Cairo Concepts

Cairo Concepts
Alaa 50, 3Phaz, Belya El Karnak, Phil Battiekh
  • country:Egypt
  • region:North Africa
  • style(s):Egyptian, Electronic
  • label:Phil Battiekh
  • instrumentation:vocal, electronic, visual
  • artist contact:Cairo Concepts

Line up

  • 3Phaz (Live Producer)
  • Alaa 50 (MC)
  • Belya El Karnak (Vocalist)
  • Phil Battiekh (DJ/VJ)


Cairo Concepts: Mahraganat Music X Club Scenarios

Mahraganat is the rhythm driven, bass and autotune-heavy sound from Egypt sweeping dance floors worldwide. An emerging scene at its peak creative output, the genre has drawn club producers to team up with Mahraganat‘s most influential figures on the Cairo Concepts compilation series. The debut release showcases Mahraganat's heaviest music alongside the club tracks it has inspired.

Curated by one of the first DJs to dedicate himself to Mahraganat outside of Egypt, Phil Battiekh, Cairo Concepts captures the newest trajectory of Egypt‘s most relevant subculture, creating a unique collection on the cutting-edge of contemporary sounds.


Cairo Concepts