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WOMEX 24 Exhibitors

Radar Agency

A booking agency based in Amsterdam with a special sensitivity for thrilling, border crossing and heart touching music from all over the world.

Saarela, Désirée

Désirée Saarela is a Finland-Swedish singer-songwriter and folk singer whose vocal expression is strongly rooted in the folk tradition.

WHY Portugal

WHY Portugal is the export office and music exchange platform from Portugal.


Drom promotes and transmits popular cultures of oral tradition and modal music by vocational training, educational projects, research in modal music.

Harmonia Lda

Created in 1998, Harmonia LDA provides activities such as musical production, distribution and concert production.


CONSTANTINOPLE A World Music and Early Music ensemble with a Persian background. Created by Kiya Tabassian in 2001, based in Montreal (Canada).

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