Driss El Maloumi
photo Michel de Bock


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Chajar (The tree's commandments)

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«ASWAT», which means sounds, is my new musical work for oud, percussion.
A musical attention to the sound echoes of everyday life: the sounds of hope, pain, fatigue, doubt, loneliness, happiness... of life!
I consider this project as a desire, a wish and a dream that I have been carrying for years. It is the result of my fundamental quest for «musical ecstasy», represented by the Tarab (that feeling of astonishment that lies between bliss, contentment, rapture and ecstasy after listening to music).
My writing as an «oriental» musician seeks to capture the issues of this «Tarab», nourished by the powerful oral tradition.
«Aswat» is the first part of this project which will be followed by «Tafassil», an instrumental work for Oud and Symphony Orchestra.