Rick Udler


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  • country:Brazil
  • region:São Paulo
  • style(s):Brazilian, Instrumental
  • label:not signed
  • type:Band, Solo, Composer/Songwriter
  • gender:male, female
  • instrumentation:instrumental
  • artist posted by:Cooperativa de Musica


t's commonplace to say that a given artist has a foot in two different cultures, but in guitarist/composer RICK UDLER's case, it's actually true. He has lived for long stretches of time in both the U.S. and Brazil. He could lay claim to five different cultures, since he was actually born in Chile, having Argentine parents of Eastern European extraction. His compositions include collaborations with Paulo Cesar Pinheiro, one of Brazil's most admired lyricists. "Rhythm & Romance", with singer Maria Alvim was awarded Best Brazilian Music Debut CD in the USA. He was also the producer of legendary guitarist Paulinho Nogueira's "Reflexoes" CD. Rick's 2006 "Papaya" CD received unanimous praise by the Brazilian and international press. In 2009, his instructional DVD, "The Brazilian Sound for Fingerstyle Guitar", was released in the USA. Rick is currently recording a CD to be released in 2010.