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  • country:Brazil
  • region:São Paulo
  • style(s):Brazilian, Vocal
  • label:not signed
  • gender:male, female
  • instrumentation:vocal
  • artist posted by:Cooperativa de Musica


A point, a paradox, final, primitive microcosmic quantum particle that would begin to get the Cosmic Swamp out of Inertia, of the Inexistence the first and most powerful cry of desperate loneliness, changes the state of chaos, this is now a Chaos in Motion, The Loneliness has grown so much that to be able to exists, it has to deny and oppose the essence of itself, The Singularity. That’s how UMANTO designs its creations, approaching them to this primordial Impulse. From a chaotic Brazilianism, arises the instinct and the creative feeling of this twenty-first century artist, Points, Other Words, a time and space where every idea leads to a new idea, like a magnificent river running into the ocean.