Praying for the Rain

Praying for the Rain
  • country:United Kingdom
  • style(s):Ethnic, Folk
  • label:not signed
  • artist posted by:CYC Promotions


Praying for the Rain is comprised of a group of musicians who play music from the heart. That is to say that the inspiration comes from within. Over the past seven years they have shared this inspiration and sheer enthusiasm with audiences worldwide. From their beginning, the group’s vision comes from two brothers Domenic and Vincenzo DeCicco, who are united in their search for meaning beyond words, melody and structure. Originally from Canada and sons of Italian immigrants, they now reside in London.

In January 2000, Pftr traveled to Algiers taking part in the Millennium of El Djazair Beni Mezghenna festival, which included artists from Africa, the Middle East and Russia. During the course of the year they toured in Italy, performed to
a packed audience at the Big Green Gathering (Europe’s largest environmental festival over 10,000 attended) and sold out concerts at London’s Conway Hall. In September they appeared at Mora (an international environmental festival set in Dubrovnik, Croatia) to help raise awareness for the preservation of the Adriatic Coast. Another highlight for the year was a performance by Domenic with members of the Japanese group, The Tenkoo Orchestra in the ‘Peace Flame’ ceremony (an observance created to preserve the memory of Hiroshima) on the main stage at Glastonbury 2000.

Highlights of the year so far include a performance for an international day of peace at the Gandhi Foundation in London; their appearance at the Shantipi Festival in Israel, where the band brought their energy to the event, focused on peace and the coming together of musicians both Arab and Israeli. Following their tour of Italy (promoting their last CD Enchanted), the band played a summer solstice concert in St. James’s church (the heart center of London), carrying on their tradition of performances in places of spiritual re-awakening.

Future plans include return trips to Italy, Ireland and Canada 2002, and concert dates in the UK featuring a performance at the Union Chapel in London on Saturday 27th October to promote the new album.