Yoel Soto


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  • country:Cuba
  • region:Cuba-Puerto Rico
  • style(s):Jazz, Salsa
  • label:Dabel Productions
  • type:Band, Solo, Composer/Songwriter
  • gender:male
  • instrumentation:instrumental, vocal
  • artist posted by:Dabel Productions

Yoel Soto was born in Havana on 1st September 1977. Grandson of Ramón Soto, who sang in the late 40’s with Septeto Habanero and son of Ramón Soto, singer of conjunto Arsenio Rodríguez, he started studying classical guitar at the age of 11. In 1995 he participated, playing electric bass, at Festival Jazz Plaza de La Habana with Bobby Carcassés, one of the most important jazz representatives of the island. In 1996 he obtained his diploma of electric bass at National School of Art and same year, before leaving to Italy where he stayed for several years, he collaborated with known cuban bands like Bamboleo and Diákara.

In Italy he has participated in various festivals like Umbria Jazz, San Remo and all over Europe sharing scene with some of the biggest figures of latin music. Some of them: Celia Cruz, Tito Gomez, Oscar D’ Leon, Gran Combo de Puerto Rico, Eddie Palmieri. Actually he lives in Athens where for almost 3 years he directed the Latin All Stars Salsa Orchestra which has played with musicians of international fame like Alfredo de la Fe, Jimmy Bosch, Orlando Watussi, Luisito Rosario, Larry Harlow, and singers of the Spanish Harlem Orchestra -2005 latin Grammy winner and 2007 latin Grammy nomination- Ray de la Paz, Herman Olivera, Frankie Vazquez, Marco Bermudez. With the same orchestra he recorded and produced an album with all compositions and arrangements by him self. Other relevant participation was, playing with Angel Parra, important song-writer from Chile, son of the unforgettable Violeta Parra. Yoel has participated in some greek performances like recording the first album of Zoe Tiganouria, greek accordionist, and, as composer, his song “La Tengo Amarrá” was included in a film soundtrack of Antonis Kafetzopoulos “H gynaika einai poly kakos anthropos” (Woman is a very bad person). He just finished the musical production of the new Janet Kapuya‘s album (Profundamente), a known uruguaian singer based in Athens.

His first personal jazz album “Waking Up”, recorded in Turin, Italy, is beeing released by DDE Records, a discographic company based in UK. At the same time he’s part of the New Guataca, Chico’s Freeman project.

“[…] then again, this is Cuban Jazz and, let me say, of top quality. Although most of today’s Jazz in Cuba revolves around flashy arrangements, lightning-fast horn phrases and exuberant multi-percussion layers, Joel Soto’s approach is a clear reflection of his own human character: this is a relaxed, soft-voiced, romantic and kind of dreamy guy, so his view of Jazz is a melodic, deep, atmospheric and incredibly soulful one, concentrating on the creation of a sonic world that allows space to savor each note, submerge to the core of each composition and, most importantly, think and understand what this music is all about : beauty, poetry and emotion, all laid down and being proposed with an almost perfect balance between musical complexity, utmost progressiveness and spiritual sincerity. Of course, mighty afro-cuban grooves are very much present in here, as well as rich harmonies, impressive improvisations, some introspective vocals, a few nice lyrics, a good variety of rhythmic styles and an overall impeccable musical direction and (definitely) writing. Cha cha cha, guaguanco, danzon, timba, afro and bolero are merged with strong jazz lines, fusion elements and Brazilian overtones – an utterly modern (and very Caribbean in its essence) point of view that Joel himself describes as “algo de soul con elemento afro, mi negro” (“some soul with afro-cuban features, brother”). Very precise description, I must add” [...] Vasilio Stamatiou, music journalyst (radio Kosmos. 107 FM).