Mouvman Alé (La Réunion)

Mouvman Alé (La Réunion)


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  • country:La Réunion
  • label:not signed
  • type:Band
  • artist contact:Dionysiac Tour

Line up

  • Baptiste Clément  (guitar, bass, backing vocals)
  • Benjamin Rebolle  (keys, MAO, backing vocals)
  • Franswa Virassamy-Macé  (vocals, guitar, percussions, Kayamb)
  • Loïc Médoc-Elma  (percussions, backing vocals)


"At the last Transmusicales de Rennes Festival, the group Mouvman Alé put forward their explosive and audacious vision of Reunionese identity: a psychedelic musical potion combining malbar, hard-rock and maloya influences." RFI

"The band puts in music the daily life in Reunion Island, the landscapes and the particularity of the island" Rolling Stone


Mouvman Alé