"Laya Project" - Laya Project's musicians

Laya Project's musicians


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  • artist:Laya Project's musicians
  • country:India
  • formats:Audio File / Digital, CD (Compact Disc), DVD Video (Digital Versatile Disc)
  • record posted by:Earthsync Ltd.
  • label:Earthsync
  • publisher:Earthsync
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Laya Project’s musicians are the people of coastal and surrounding communities in the 2004 tsunami-affected regions of Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar and India.

The production is based on regional folk music traditions, recorded and brought back to the studio to create a composition that mixes and arranges the original recordings, and embarks on a visual and musical journey crossing borders, while preserving the music of the people. Some of these performances are rare, and are documented for the first time in this production.

For the international team who came together for this production, Laya Project is a personal and collective tribute to the resilience of the human spirit, and is dedicated to the survivors of the 26th December 2004 Asian tsunami.