"20/20" - Angel Yos

Angel Yos
Album 20/20 EGREM


Mi música te lleva

CD 20/20 EGREM-Alabao
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  • artist:Angel Yos
  • featured artist:Alexander Abreu, Rubén Bulnes, Waldo Mendoza
  • region:Caribbean
  • release year:2021
  • style(s):Cuban, Latin
  • country:Cuba
  • formats:Audio File / Digital, CD (Compact Disc)
  • record posted by:EGREM
  • label:EGREM
  • publisher:EGREM
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Recorded entirely in Havana, The 20/20 album has received several nominations and the Cubadisco 2021 award offered by the Cuban record industry. It contains 11 unpublished songs by Angel Yos and arrangements by Bernardo Antonio Rodríguez Menéndez (Tony Rodriguez) and a song by Roniel Alfonso. Musical production Angel Yos and Amaury Perez. EGREM.

Grabado integramente en La Habana, El álbum 20/20 ha recibido varias nominaciones y el premio Cubadisco 2021 que ofrece la industria del disco en Cuba. Contiene 11 temas inéditos de la autoría de Angel Yos y arreglos de Bernardo Antonio Rodríguez Menéndez (Tony Rodriguez) y un tema con arreglo de Roniel Alfonso. Producción musical Angel Yos y Amaury Perez. EGREM.