Mobile Recording Services for Disabled Musicians

Mobile Recording Studio


Ed Sheeran Ariana Grande Mashup
These are just preview samples. You need a valid account and be logged in to hear the full tracks.

After months of working with a variety of talented disabled musicians and composers via Zoom (such as Mr X), we are pleased to announce that our mobile recording studio services are now back in business – so get in touch now!

The Health & Safety of our clients and staff is very important to us and we are closely monitoring government guidelines. As per the guidelines, all of our staff have face shields and masks made to the recommended standard (3 ply). We also have perspex screens which will be used when singing. We also bring the latest compact recording equipment, which includes accessible musical instruments which will get sanitised after each use.

Forget-Me-Not also provide all the assitive technology adapted percussive instruments and virtual instruments for individuals with physical disabilities to make use of, such as operating Chrome Music Lab via eyegaze.

After you finish writing and recording your song we offer a quick turnaround time and will transfer your finished songs within a week. This service will also include all mixing, mastering and arranging.

article posted by:Clary Saddler, Forget-Me-Not-Productions