Kutu (Ethiopia/France)

Kutu (Ethiopia/France)


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  • country:Ethiopia
  • label:not signed
  • type:Band
  • artist contact:Full Rhizome

Line up

  • Akemi Poivre (keys)
  • Cyril Atef (drums)
  • Hewan Gebrewold (vocals)
  • Théo Ceccaldi (violin)
  • Valentin Ceccaldi (bass)


Kutu was born in Addis Ababa in 2019 where prodigiously multi-faceted French violinist Théo Ceccaldi, encountered the symbiotic voices of the two Ethiopian singers, Hewan Gebrewold and Haleluya Tekletsadik, well-known on the city's vibrant underground music scene as part of the 10-piece rock band, Jano. Together they embarked on a project to create a new improvisatory concept blending Azmari and Ethio-Jazz roots with the poetry and grooves of international urban culture. After a tour of East Africa and France and the release of their first album, the trio expanded, with luminary jazz cellist Valentin Ceccaldi picking up the bass guitar, indefatigably eclectic drummer Cyril Atef directing the grooves and Japanese-Belgian keyboardist Akemi Fujimori enhancing the electronics, all consolidating a harmoniously heterogeneous, trance-inducing foundation for the commanding voice of Gebrewold and Ceccaldi's inspired extemporisations.

