Svetlana Spajic has been performing and teaching the traditional Serbian and Balkan songs since 1993, visiting and living in the villages and learning the oral tradition and culture by the village singers. Her main sphere of interest is ancient, orally transmitted vocal traditions of Serbian and Balkan non-tempered a capella singing and its unique vocal techniques and ornamentation, language, function, and meaning. She learned from the best village local singers and sang with some of the best traditional singers of the world such as Hronis Aidonidis, Domna Samiou, Yanka Rupkina, Bokan Stankovic. In the meantime she collaborated with the likes of Stella Chiweshe, artist Marina Abramovic, Boris Kovac, Balkan Beat Box, Boban Markovic.
Svetlana Spajic performs and gives lectures in the country and abroad, teaches young groups and helps several old village singing groups but what is unique for Svetlana's work is that she is perhaps the only singer of younger generation who was taught to speak the Serbian oral language and its numerous idioms and dialects, being recognized and accepted among the authentic village singers of oldest generation who spoke all their lives only orally and had the knowledge of where, when and how to respond. Not one song does she sing nowadays without permission of them. She is also obliged to re-create and make her own songs and know how, when and where something is sung and why.
Collaborations: Svetlana Spajic works and performs with famous composer, instrumentalist and multimedia artist Boris Kovac. Since 2009 Svetlana Spaji&263;'s powerful voice has been accompanying Boris Kova&269; in his project for Chamber Music "New Ritual Group". Since 2003 she performs with Belgrade group Belo Platno which cherishes the traditional music of Kosovo and Metohija, south of Serbia and north Macedonia. Their music is presented at multimedia CD Kosovo and Metohija, the Image of Europe, (Tipon, Janus, 2005).
Svetlana Spajic has also adopted Bulgarian, Macedonian and Greek traditional singing. As a crown of its mastering in the Greek singing in 2004 she gave the concert of the Greek traditional songs with the leading Greek traditional artist Yorgos Simeonidis and Periklis Papapetropoulos in the honor of the living legendary singer Domna Samiou, one of the best ever Greek traditional singers.
In 2010 Svetlana performed at WOMEX 10 and in 2011 she performed with Sainkho Namtcylak ar Ring Ring 2011. The two artists look forward to continuing collaboration.
Chosen Discography:
MOBA Come on Harvest Helpers, BILJEG, 1994.
DRINA traditional Serbian singing: Living Water, Svetigora, Promezzia, 2000.
SRBIJA SOUNDS GLOBAL series, vol. 1, 2 and 3, 4, compilation albums, B92, 2000, 2002, 2004 and 2008.
ZEGAR ZIVI, Zegar Zivi, Cloudvalley London, 2008