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Live Radio France
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Line up

  • DJ Ordoeuvre (DJ )
  • Kandy GUIRA (Voice)
  • Yohann LE FERRAND (Guitar)


Bathing in it from birth in the Ivory Coast, Kandy then grew up in the stimulating musical environment of Abidjan. She was initiated in the major cabarets and made her debut with Abdoulaye Cissé, one of the most recognised names in Burkinabè music. SNC winner, she went on tour for several months, mostly in Europe, where she encountered the great artist Check Tidiane Sec, who took her under his wing. Top model, actress, dancer, Kandy Guira developed her talents from several sources even if her primary inspiration is always music! She has accompanied the greatest of Afro Music and World Sound, from Manu Dibango to Oumou Sangaré, Guts, and today with the group Les amazones d’ Afrique.

Singer, songwriter, producer, committed to the support of hearing impaired children, the cause of women and the future of the African continent, Kandy lends her powerful voice to inspired texts and strives to bring comfort and hope. After the production of a first album in Burkina Faso, her project Tek la Runda- “I take the reins”, in Mooré language, was released in April 2019. In March 2020, she remained in Burkina Faso taking the time to develop her new project and perfect her electropop Faso “in the red earth of upright men”.