la Jose


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  • country:Spain
  • region:Madrid
  • style(s):Flamenco, World Fusion
  • label:not signed
  • type:Band
  • gender:female
  • instrumentation:vocal, percussion, brass, singer songwriter, guitar
  • artist posted by:La Parcería

Line up

  • Iván Mellén (drums and percussions)
  • la Jose (voice, claps, dancing and percussions)
  • Luis Gallo (guitars and sound effects)


la Jose
(Spain,): songwriter, singer, dancer.
As the daughter of a flamenco-lover and a gypsy in love with authentic flamenco singing, she has a mestiza essence which brings the past, present and future with a versatile voice and a real staging. Her music reflects human passions and social causes. She is both a commited and real communicator woman.
She has done many trainings as a soloist and as a collaborator: David de María, Tomasito, Víctor Iniesta (Manolo García), Miguel Campello (elbicho), Zagala, Eduardo Paniagua, Manuel Sanz (Cosmosoul), Luis Pastor… Moreover, she has stepped on stages in Latin America and Europe. She is qualified as a voice technician and flamenco. She plays with different vocal colours in her concerts, combining esthetical resources from different cultures and styles with fluency (from flamenco to jazz, from Sephardic and Andalusian to salsa and soul). This, together with her ability of improvisation and her freshness when dancing, makes of her live show a unique experience.
The urban style is raising in her creations, since she has also done rap. Both the contemporary and the root come together organically.
She plays with ease changing of register and could surprise us using vocal resources which travel around Spain (flamenco, folk), India, USA (soulfunk) and Latin America. Also dancing flamenco, belly dancing, Cuban guagancó, African dance or samba. The songs of her work are as flexible and rich as her, with the common thread of her charm, the danceable and the popular. Furthermore, a powerful flamenco guitar and a solid band of musicians with whom the urban style has also place. They are recurring concepts in her lyrics: women, the root, human rights, love, freedom, authenticity.
She has a human live with a flexible format, from guitar duet and voice, to a big band, in addition to the percussion/drums set, bass and
flute. Dancing rythms, catchy chorus, meticulous arrangements and moments for sensitivity in a powerful and colourful live.