Kimya Ensemble

Kimya Ensemble


Máramaros, Damavand, Les Folies D'Espagne
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  • country:France
  • style(s):Early World Music
  • label:not signed
  • type:Quartet
  • gender:male, female
  • instrumentation:instrumental
  • artist posted by:Latitude 45 Arts Promotion


After sharing the stage for several years in Montreal, Amir Amiri (Santur) and Olivier Marin (Viola) decided to continue their collaboration and expand their musical universe. Thus, they created Ensemble Kimya, based in Paris by surrounding themselves with two fabulous musicians: Roméo Monteiro (Percussions) and Alice Picaud (Cello).

The Ensemble Kimya (Arabic for alchemy), composed of four musicians from different horizons, uses the metaphor of the scientist who was once able to transform a metal alloy into gold through music with transfigured sounds, the fruit of a meeting between santur, viola, cello and percussion, between the East and the West, a vehicle for unexplored worlds.