The venue was the Concorde Club in Eastleigh near Southampton, recently celebrating its 50th anniversary as a jazz club. The date was 5th October 1987. The hosts were a newly-formed, unknown Hot Club style quartet from the west of England called Quartet Le Jazz. The specially invited guest was the celebrated Manouche guitarist from Holland Fapy Lafertin, already
established in the UK as the lead guitarist with the Belgian band Waso and at the time without doubt the most famous European Gypsy musician since the death of Django Reinhardt.
What followed was an artistic partnership lasting ten years, hundreds of appearances Europe-wide, a dedicated following of admirers from all over the globe, and an influence which in the early 1990’s took this little-performed but widely loved style of music from performances in clubs, pubs and wine bars to captivating concerts on stages throughout the UK and the continent of Europe.
Another further achievement of this musical relationship is the creation of arguably two of the most influential albums released in the style in modern times. Viewed by many as the best Gypsy jazz albums since the last recorded releases of Quintet of the Hot Club of France, they reinforced the quintet’s reputation and contributed to the resurgence of the style amongst musicians and audience alike. A resurgence well under way since Waso in the 1970’s.
These two individually released single CDs which make up this double album; ’Swing Guitars’ in 1994 and ‘Hungaria’ in 1996, were the first on the Lejazzetal label and were to define the style of the record company ever since. It now has a global reputation as one specialising in capturing the best ‘live studio’ performance from some of the world’s leading acoustic musicians.
Le jazz was formed in the west country of England in 1986 by guitarist Pete Finch and violinist Steve Elsworth. Tony Bevir joined very soon after on double-bass and in early 1987 they became a quartet with the inclusion of Dave Kelbie on rhythm guitar.