"Rinkebysvängen" - Yakumbe

Rinkebysvängen CD


Traditional song of Colombia
  • 1 Rosa
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Yakumbé is a Swedish group that uses percussion and voices as a means of expression. The band uses the varied cultural influences that exists in Sweden and the world to get inspired and make their music.
Yakumbé was formed in 1993 by a group of youngsters who wanted to do something to make sense of their free time. They played candombe and different rhythms of Brazil. Soon Yakumbé began to mix the musical influences that each member had with their rhythms. That became the fundamentals of Yakumbé.
The band recorded their first album in 2015, where their intention was to make a compilation of the music that they had played over the years.
On March 23 they released their second album "Rinkebysvängen". It´s an album primarily inspired by Scandinavian folklore. Yakumbé gave themselves the necessary time to find common denominators between the genre and their percussion, so that the mix would feel natural. In Rinkebysvängen you can hear violins, flute, vocals and lots of percussion.
Over the years Yakumbé performed at various beautiful festivals such as Urkult in Sweden and Riddu-Riddu in Norway. In 2017 they had a tour with 49 concerts in different schools around Sweden, presenting themes from the first album.

”It is not easy to do such a typical live band justice with out experiencing them - which perhaps explains that they haven´t made a record debute in twenty years - but I think they manage to convey both energy and fun.”
Ulf Torstens