"Flamenco Jazz, Flamenco Fusion Brasil" - Pablo Rubén Maldonado

Pablo Rubén Maldonado
Dvd Flamenco Jazz, Flamenco Fusión Brasil


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  • artist:Pablo Rubén Maldonado
  • featured artist:Pablo Rubén Maldonado, David Tavares
  • region:Andalusia
  • release year:2004
  • style(s):Flamenco, Jazz
  • country:Spain
  • formats:CD (Compact Disc), HD-DVD
  • record posted by:LunaFlamenca
  • label:LunaFlamenca
  • publisher:LunaFlamenca
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Musiciens in the DVD :

Pablo Rubén Maldonado (piano) / Manolí Fernández (cante)/
Martin Leiton (basse) / Bernardo Parrilla (violon) /
Diego Alvarez « El Negro » (percussions) / Moy Natenzon (batterie)

David Tavares (guitare) / Flavio Rodrigues (guitare) /
Diego Antunez (flûte) / Rogerio de Souza (percussions brésiliennes)
Moy Natenzon (batterie)

Extremely recommendable due to its musical quality as well as due to its original conception, this pack, which was produced by “LunaFlamenca” presents the first CDs of the pianist Pablo Rubén Maldonado and the guitar player David Tavares, completed by a musical portrait of the artist in DVD format.

The DVD in two symmetric parts, which are dedicated to each artist, contains four concert themes (Bulerías, Colombiana, Tanguillo, and Samba for David Tavares; Siguiriya, Soleá por Bulería, Tanguillo and Rumba for Pablo Rubén Maldonado), an interview and three scores with staves (they don’t contain the ciphers, but the images of the concerts – very careful and “pedagogic” may be a great help).

The very varied programme of the two CDs allows a deeper approximation to the style of each musician. in both cases it’s not (fortunately) fusion in the strict sense of the word: respecting scrupulously the musical implications with the forms they refer to. On the contrary, both composers seek their inspiration in two own and different musical languages.

Brazilian with classical and afterwards flamenco education David Tavares with great facility and a beautiful stylistic strength alternates his flamenco repertory (Colombiana, Tanguillo, Bulerías, Alegria, Soleá, Siguiriya) and the Brazilian (Baiao and Samba) or Cuban repertory (Son). With the flamenco sounds, only the two rumbas harmonise with “Brazilian” Tunes, which fits perfectly to this rhythm. The melodic talent of David Tavares and the variety of the splendid arrangements (some renown guests as for instance Jorge Pardo and Guillermo Mc Gill) make that the listening of this disc is a great pleasure.

Born in Granada, Pablo Rubén Maldonado also has a double education: Flamenco due to his family and classic by his piano teachers. The style of the precursors of flamenco piano (Arturo Pavón, José Romero…) has been essentially a tributary of the classic Iberian music. More recently appeared two new tendencies, which maintain themselves: “jazz” (Chano Dominguez), and a flamenco tendency which creates a piano language, which is similar to the flamenco rhythm (Diego Amador). Depending on the composition, Pablo Rubén Maldonado inscribes himself in one or other of these both tendencies.

Flamenco in the Soleá ant the Soleá por Bulería (Duo piano / singing, with traditional structure: flourish, calls, conclusions)
In the Alegrías, the pianist succeeds in evoking fluently singing and guitar at one time, using the maximum of the piano recourses: very precise rhythmic use with the pedals, neat touch in the staccato attack.
Jazz in the Seguiriya, Rumba, Tanguillos and a “Bulesalsa” (reminding Ketama with a wink: “No me voy pa’ Madrid, yo me quedo aquí” against “Vente pa’ Madrid” of the Ketama group) harmonies and phrases, which are very near to Latin Jazz, whit a structure which alternates the exposition of the theme with choirs full of improvisation.
The two Bulerías repose on a harmonic synthesis of both musical languages.
Pianist, compositor, arranger, author of his “Lyrics”, Pablo Rubén Maldonado assures also the production and sings also the Seguiriya ¡Viva Graná !

Original text C. Worms. Flamenco May - Nov. France
English Translation: LunaFlamenca