"Your Heart Is My Heart Too" - MYROL



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  • artist:MYROL
  • release year:2006
  • style(s):Country, Roots
  • country:Canada
  • record posted by:Mc-Ent Management
  • label:Columbus Records

Two country, rockin' galls, mother and daughter
who named their duo Myrol after their last name,
released their first duo album in Europe even before
the official release in Canada. They have that
special blend of harmonies that can really only be
found in families. Joanne Myrol is no stranger to the
Canadian music scene. She co-wrote songs and
performed together with Fred J. Eaglesmith among
many others.

The first duo album "Your Heart Is My Heart Too" is
partly dedicated to the Canadian family life.
Although some songs still have a real country
music feel in them, the other songs get close to
rock and roots. Myrol can be no better described
than Canadiana (rather than Americana). Original,
high quality lyrics and a forcing band behind them
makes this album easy to listen to for a wide range
of audience.