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  • country:Spain
  • style(s):Songwriter
  • label:not signed
  • type:Band
  • gender:male
  • instrumentation:singer songwriter
  • artist posted by:Mirmidón Productions

Line up

  • JULIO GÓMEZ (Bass)
  • PATRICIA DE VELASCO (Electric guitar and backing vocals)
  • PAUL ZINNARD (Acoustic guitar, bass and vocals)
  • WILLIE B. PLANAS (Piano and organ)


Paul Zinnard started as the lead singer and composer of the band The Bolivians back in 1998. Two years later he founded the band The Pauls with whom he recorded five albums. The last one, Miss Tokyo Meets Her Lover (2010) was awarded best album of the year by the Radio 3 show Hoy Empieza Todo. That same year he made his solo artist debut with Songs of Hatred and Remorse. A collection of songs presented with an acoustic guitar and a string quartet. So far he has recorded eight albums that span from the most intimate acoustic set to the powerful sound of an electric band. Always in search of authenticity.


“When you are in the company of lunatics, behave like a lunatic. When you are in the company of intelligentsias, speak with brilliance…that is how a chameleon behaves, the territory changes it, and it adapts to the changes”.
The chameleon transforms himself to camouflage and survive in a hostile terrain. He is not mad though he may look mad. He is not an intellectual. His nature is to blend with the environment. To be always on alert and become one with the landscape. Be that human, vegetable, or mineral. Nevertheless, in this case the chameleon has shown his true skin. The one he had never shown before. The one that makes him vulnerable. Just this once. Just once. Never again.