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  • country:Burkina Faso
  • style(s):Cabaret, Early World Music
  • label:Pasa Musik
  • type:Solo, Duo, Trio
  • gender:male
  • instrumentation:instrumental, percussion, singer songwriter, unplugged, harp
  • artist posted by:Pasa Musik

Line up

  • Mamadou Koita  (Balafond, Djembe)
  • Salif ( Lasso Sanou ) (Voice, n'goni/kora, flûte)
  • 3- Aboulaye Koné  (Guitar)


Salif Sanou, known as Lasso, was born into a ‘’Griot’’ family enacted in a Boaba village called Konkuy-Boho, in the province of kossi in northwestern Burkina Faso. Being a griot from father to son for several generations, he grew up in a world where music and words are at the heart of life.

This is how he discovered his talents early on for several traditional instruments and for singing. First introduced to percussion with the balafon, doum-doums,tam-tam, tamani, bara and djembé, he continued his discovery of talents with kambélé n'goni in 1999. It was from there that Salif was nicknamed Lasso, it became his artist name.

In 2004, Lasso discovered an incredible passion and skill for the Fulani flute (Mandingo flute or speaking flute), with his cousin and master Dramane Dembélé. He quickly became one of the most gifted flutists and some of his friends even called him "Las flute". After playing for several years with renowned artists in Burkina Faso, Lasso arrived in Quebec in 2009.

He has performed at several events including the opening of the Olympic Games in Nanaimo (Vancouver), the Quebec Music Festival, the benefit evening for young musicians from around the world and the Fête nationale du Québec.

He takes part in street theatrical events and shows in small venues, bars and cafes in addition to performing with the Motus theater company for the internationally renowned play “Baboab”. He has also accompanied several artists in various festivals including the Festival International Nuits d'Afrique, the Festival International de Jazz de Montréal and the Francofolies.

As a singer-songwriter, in November 2009 he formed his own group called Lasso & SINI-KAN (the voice of tomorrow). This formation is composed of a mixture of several traditional instruments (balafon, Fulani flute, kambélé n’goni, tamani, percussions) and modern (vibraphone, drums, guitar, bass). Together, they create harmony between traditional Mandingo music and several other musical styles (jazz, blues, rock, reggae), in order to create their own musical genre: Fusion Reggae Afro Mandingue Métissé (F.R.A.M.M.).