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  • event type:WOMEX 18 Film Screening
  • date:27 Oct 2018
  • time:15:30 - 16:45
  • city/area:Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • venue:Film Room 2, INFECAR
  • country:Spain
  • event posted by:Piranha Arts

Directed by Camilla Insom & Giulio Squillacciotti
Duration 61’ | Persian with English subtitles

Production Country and Year: Iran/Italy, 2017
Produced by: Camilla Insom & Giulio Squillacciotti
Director of Photography: Giulio Squillacciotti
Sound: Giulio Squillacciotti
Edited by: Camilla Insom, Giulio Squillacciotti
Contact: Giulio Squillacciotti

A mystical journey through ancient myths, exorcism rituals, sounds and spirits Archipelago weaves together stories and landscapes of a group of southern Iranian islands located in the Persian Gulf. Spirits of different heritages and origins, called Bād, the Persian word for wind, moving through the air, take possession of the islander’s bodies and can only be calmed through a music ceremony called the Zār ritual. Through the pounding drum rhythms and wailing vocal choruses of these rituals, the audience is given a rare and unexpected glimpse of the Islamic Republic of Iran where humans and spirits coexist.

Camilla Insom is an anthropologist who lives and works in Rome, Italy and Sulaimaniyah, Iraqi Kurdistan. Her research is focussed on the modification of the category of sacred in different contexts through the analysis of ritual practices and how they are changing.

Giulio Squillacciotti is an artist, filmmaker and researcher. who lives and works between Italy and the Netherlands. His works are mainly focussed on storytelling, cultural apexes and the way traditions re-shape themselves in new contexts.

Giulio Squillacciotti will be present for a Q&A session after the screening.