Bia Ferreira


Bia Ferreira
Bia Ferreira


Singer, songwriter, anti-racist activist and fierce defendant of the LGBTI+ community worldwide, Bia Ferreira defines her music as MMP: Música de Mulher Preta (Black Woman Music). She broke into public consciousness in 2017 with the track, Cota Não é Esmola, about the importance of the quota system for the access of the black population to the university. In addition to the 13 million views on YouTube and several million Spotify plays, the song became mandatory reading for the University of Brasília entrance exam. She was nominated for the 2018 Women in Music Awards, and on her 2019 album, Igreja Lesbiteriana: Um Chamado, (Lesbitarian Church: A Calling), the messages are harnessed to a carriage of funky beats, reggae and soul ballad grooves. This year she played major stages in Portugal including a memorable performance at LMM Sines.