Coordinated by Dave Watts (UK/Spain), Ear Conditioning/Global Club Music Network
with Kosta Kostov (Bulgaria/Germany), Global Club Music Network
Seb Bassleer (Belgium), Rebel Up! Soundclash
Global Club Music Network (GCMN) and WOMEX have previously joined forces to create a new outlet for showcasing artists via their remix series, involving original music of WOMEX artists and laying on a club-floor twist, step or bounce to the root.
Based on the traditional ‘speed date’ concept, we invite bands, producers, DJs, music labels wanting to work with a DJ, or a producer looking for new venues and remix opportunities. Participants will have five minutes to initiate contact, exchange ideas and explore possibilities with GCMN to find a suitable producer, collaborator, remixer, or artist for your project.
The breadth and scope of our individual members’ tastes make for an exciting proposition. We will present a hands-on, behind-the-scene ‘speed’ session highlighting methods in the creative process, maybe using some of your music. Yes, you, bring something on a USB! Get with us!