Introductions to the tools of web3

How blockchain can empower creators

Tabea Fuhrer
  • event type:WOMEX 22 One-to-One Mentoring
  • date:20 Oct 2022 - 21 Oct 2022
  • time:16:00 - 17:30
  • city/area:Lisbon
  • venue:Mentoring Room
  • country:Portugal
  • event posted by:Piranha Arts


Mentoring with Tabea Fuhrer (Germany/ Portugal), Community Builder & Artist, muti Collective

Blockchain technology is gradually becoming more present, but it can still seem very abstract. In this session, you can learn how you can use the NEAR blockchain tools in the physical world as an artist, business or association. Are you interested in how your company could transition into the world of web3? Are you curious about what NFTs can do other than being shown on screens or what a DAO (Decentralised Autonomous Organization) is and how it can be used? Get to know DAOs, NFTs and alternative ways to music streaming on decentralised platforms can be of use.