Directed by Arno Bitschy
Duration 40’ | English
Production Country and Year: USA, 2017
Produced: by Jarring Effects
Director of Photography: Arno Bitchsy
Sound: Céline Frezza
Edited by: Jarring Effects
Contact: Jarring Effects
In one of the many abandoned houses lives an old woman, Jazz. She sings old pieces of Billie, sad love stories, fallen destinies and heartbreaking passions. On her porch, she watches the passing of time, far from the chaos shaking her country. Her ritual is immutable, every Thursday she finds her friends in a jazz club, and she sings with her broken path radiates. After the resilience and portrayal of the people of Detroit for her city, the music label, Jarring Effects presents one of his wandering souls, Jazz aka DJ Holiday. A forgotten destiny that deserved to be brought to light.
Arno Bitschy discovered documentary films as a volunteer to the general States of the documentary movie of Lussas In 1998. In 2007, he realised his first documentary, Marie-France. He then went on to direct in collaboration with Jarring Effects, Mother City Blues (2013). This project resulted in multiple series of films shot in Detroit, starting with Resilience, the musical portrait of a city in shock, the fight of its inhabitants for their rights and an American dream at the end of the race.