Directed by Vincent Moon
Duration 60’ l No dialogues
Moon at Noon is a one-hour live cinema performance by filmmaker Vincent Moon. In a unique creation, he will present a selection of his own recordings of music around the world, made for his Petites Planètes collection. Expect Chilean shamanic voices and Chechen polyphony alongside contemporary Ukrainian rhythms and French neo-traditional music, and much more besides...
Mathieu 'Moon' Saura, otherwise known as Vincent Moon, is an independent filmmaker and sound explorer from Paris. Since 2009, he has been travelling the world making ethnographic-experimental films, recording traditional and sacred music and filming religious and shamanic rituals under the label Petites Planètes. His work now explores transcendent states using images and sounds, as well as the ritualistic aspects of societies and communities.
Vincent Moon will be present at WOMEX 21 and there will be a Q&A after the performance.
Production Country and Year World, 2011-2021
Produced by Petites Planètes
Director of Photography Vincent Moon
Sound Vincent Moon, Priscilla Telmon