Music moves Europe, European Agenda for Music

What can Europe do for music? What can music do for Europe?

Michalis Karakatsanis
Katharina Weinert by Endre Lohne
Barbara Gessler
  • event type:WOMEX 18 offWOMEX Presentation
  • date:26 Oct 2018
  • time:16:00 - 16:45
  • city/area:Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • venue:Network Room 2, INFECAR
  • country:Spain
  • event posted by:Piranha Arts


Coordinated by Katharina Weinert (Germany), policy advisor, European Music Council;
with Michalis Karakatsanis (Cyprus), Cyprus Music Information Centre;
Giambattista Tofoni (Italy), Europe Jazz Network;
Barbara Gessler (Belgium), Head of Unit Creative Europe

The European Music Council (EMC) will present the European Agenda for Music (EAM), which was launched in March 2018. A powerful confirmation of the European music sector’s desire to join together in the promotion of a common cause, the Agenda details which directions to pursue in order to ensure a music sector that remains strong, fair, innovative and diverse in a rapidly changing world. Now it is time to put the EAM into action! How can the EAM help you to advocate for your goals? How can actors from the world music scene become involved and contribute to the impact of the EAM?

The EAM puts forward a number of suggested measures ranging from education and access to music, mobility, recognition to data collection and analysis. Which of these measures are particularly interesting for WOMEX delegates?

We will talk about actions that are already going on and explain how you can get involved: from a European Music Observatory to actions on national and regional level. What are the next steps? Are there are other ideas you want to explore?