NFTs, Blockchain, Crypto: the Hype and the Hope

How can musicians of the world benefit from this new technology?

Tabea Fuhrer
Lu Edmonds


Chaired by Lu Edmonds (UK), musician,

with Tabea Fuhrer (Portugal), muti Collective

Tabea and Lu will explore both potential benefits and pitfalls of the latest wave of ‘disruptive technology’ – blockchain, NFTs, crypto-tokens and secure digital certification. Often mistakenly confused with bitcoin, blockchain is in fact a radical new way of storing digital information and assets (translation: how your music can be identified and found online, over which creators will have total control).

The presenters: Lu was the first to present the world wide web at WOMEX in 1991 and followed developments ever since through many European Commission research projects with (the late, great) Dagfinn Bach, who first presented mp3s at WOMEX 94. In this illustrated dialogue, Tabea and the Muti Collective will show WOMEX delegates practical ways to navigate through the minefields and misconceptions, stick it to Spotify, and get their creations out onto this exciting new space.