Directed by Jorane Castro
Duration 100’ | Portuguese with English subtitles
Set in the middle of the Amazon Rainforest, Brazil, the music of the state of Pará is synonymous with lightness and joy. The film recreates this spirit, with each part unveiling the universe where the music of Pará originated.Terruá Pará registers the current moment of cultural effervescence, proposing an integrated look at the artistic movements in Pará. With participating musicians: Dona Onete, Manoel Cordeiro, Keila, Pio Lobato, Toni Soares, Os Amantes, Luê, and Trio Manari, among others.
Screenwriter and director Jorane Castro was born in Belém (Amazonia, Brazil), where she founded Cabocla Filmes. She has directed more than 20 films, all set in the Amazon, such as Para Ter Onde Ir and Mestre Cupijó E Seu Ritmo. She is working on her next feature film, Laura.
Production Country, Year Brazil, 2023
Producer Ofir Figueiredo
Distributed by Cabocla Filmes
Director of Photography Beto Martins
Sound Márcio Câmara
Editor Juliana Guanais