We Intend to Cause Havoc

We Intend to Cause Havoc

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  • event type:WOMEX 18 Film Library
  • date:26 Oct 2018
  • time:10:00 - 18:00
  • city/area:Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • venue:Film Room 1, INFECAR
  • country:Spain
  • event posted by:Piranha Arts

Directed by Gio Arlotta
Duration 90’ | English with English subtitles

Production Country and Year: Czech Republic, 2018
Produced by: Pantheon Pictures, Is Your Clam In A Jam?
Producers: Tim Spreng, Gio Arlotta
Director of Photography: Tim Spreng
Editor: Katerina Vrbová
Contact: Pantheon Pictures

We Intend To Cause Havoc is a documentary on the life and times of Emmanuel “Jagari” Chanda, a Zambian gemstone miner who was the lead singer of WITCH, Zambia's most popular rock band of the 1970’s. At the peak of their popularity, the band riled up crowds by stage diving and dancing manically to the WITCH’s blend of Psychedelic Rock and African rhythms. Now a man in his 60s, he spends his time mining gemstones hoping to strike it rich, until recently the band being just a nostalgic memory of his youth. In 2016, Dutch artist Jacco Gardner visited Zambia to meet, play and record material in Zambia together with Jagari, resulting in a European Tour in September 2017.

Gio Arlotta has a degree in journalism and is a self-professed music geek. In 2014 he met Jagari for an interview and discovered the fascinating story of his groundbreaking music and exceptional life. In the meantime, Gio continues to collaborate with other artists on music videos using his signature psychedelic VHS style.

Gio Arlotta will be present at WOMEX 18.