Project Pitches 2021

CN Project Pitches 2021 - Collage

Classical:NEXT Project Pitches are targeted, fast-moving opportunities for creators and those on the lookout for new creations, a 'seek and find' for collaboration and inspiration. This format allows representatives from ensembles, music theatre productions and music projects to offer rapid insight into their current offerings.

The following 14 jury-selected Classical:NEXT Project Pitches will be presented daily from 14:00 to 15:15 in de Doelen. They cover a range of some of the most exciting art music projects and burning issues from around the world.

The selected projects are:

  • Babylon ORCHESTRA (Germany)
  • Being Together - Tehran Contemporary Music Festival (Iran)
  • Exartikulations (France)
  • Fusion Next: Where East Meets West (Hong Kong, China)
  • Glow - The Life And Trials Of Simon Nkoli (South Africa)
  • Hell’s Fury - The Hollywood Songbook (Canada)
  • HUSH - Henry's Dream Machine (Belgium)
  • Music Traveler (Austria)
  • plainsightSOUND (UK)
  • Romeo's Passion (South Africa)
  • Soliloquy (Australia)
  • Songs Of Nature (The Netherlands)
  • The Book Of Weather (UK)
  • This Order Goes Wrong (Lithuania)

More information here.

article posted by:Gideon Elfgen, Piranha Arts
