Once again, WOMEX is offering a platform to connect the global music and film communities: we have now announced our dedicated programme of new film releases that will be screened at WOMEX 16 in Santiago de Compostela. These eleven films portray music, movements and history from across the globe; amongst them, two world premieres will be celebrated.
The community of film professionals devoted to or interested in music film at WOMEX is growing. (as soon as possible, please!). Films will be screened in Cidade da Cultura during the day, and in Museo das Peregrinacións e de Santiago in the old town at night.
The tremendous interest of the public audience in Santiago de Compostela has led to another exciting evolution of our programme: the first time ever, we will open our entire feature film programme to the public during the new ‘WOMEX Film Nights’, also held at the Museo.
You can see the full film prgoramme at the Films page on our website, and remember to also attend the 'Hands-On Music Films' session as part of the Conference.
article posted by:Jim Hickson, Piranha Arts