Ustad Noor Bakhsh (Pakistan)

Ustad Noor Bakhsh (Pakistan)


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  • country:Pakistan
  • label:Honiunhoni / Hive Mind Records
  • type:Duo
  • artist posted by:Planet Rock

Line up

  • Doshambay (Damboora)
  • Noor Bakhsh (Benju)


Noor Bakhsh is a master of the balochi benju, a unique instrument looking at first glance like a zither with old typewriter keys attached, said to originate from the one-time ubiquity in Balochistan of a Japanese plastic toy instrument, the taishōgoto. He began playing aged 12 and has since assimilated a wide style-repertoire reflecting influences from the Arab Peninsula, Iran, Pakistan and India, playing at countless weddings and events and spending thirty years as accompanist for popular Balochi singer, Sabzal Sami. Now in his 70s he's finally gaining international attention, thanks at first to Instagram videos of him playing outside at sunset, excerpted from a documentary by musician and anthropologist Daniyal Ahmed about his journey to find the Benju virtuoso. This year Ustad Noor Bakhsh has been busy bringing the benju to audiences across Europe.


Ustad Noor Bakhsh