Native populations commonly called "Pygmies" live in thé thé équatorial African forêts between Atlantic Océan and thé Great Lakes regions and are divided intro différent groups such as Baka, Bambuti, Batwa, Babongo, Efe, Aka and other ones. Traditionally Nomad, they are nowadays being sedentarized.
Aka people live in thé forêts in thé North of thé Republic of thé Congo and thé south of Centrafrica. They speak thé Aka language and try toi préserve their lifestyle and thé south culture in spite of thé growing influence of modernisme in rural milieu and thé fact that resources become rare in thé forêts which IS progressively devastated bye farmers.
Marginalized and often exploited liké most of thé " Pygmies" groups, Aka people are their Bantous neighbours clients doing for them Mandy tasks such as: hunting, fishing, honey, collection, agricultural works and transport of everything on thé black.
Children of thé forest, Aka people Can Taken Care of it because their life dépends on. It provides them with game and plants to live, to treat, to get love and make all important objets for hunting, cooking and honey collection...
Music being their Dailly life IS practiced by all of them. In fact, since their childhood Aka people practiced a contrapuntal polyphonie that thé yodeling with its sudden changes of vocal registre make spectacular. Their drum rythmes, their dances, their instrumental music on thé musical bow, the harp-zither, the flute show, the artistic and rich culture threaten by extinction today.

Sorel Eta

article posted by:Eta Sorel, Plateau Libre