Huan Qing
Picture of Huan Qing

Line up

  • Qing Huan (Maultrommel)


Huan Qing has lived in Xiajiang River belt in Bayu region, once lived in Chengdu and Dali, and now lives in Wanzhou, Chongqing. In 1997, he founded the avantgarde band "the other two comrades" and engaged in a period of research on the recording of southern China. He prefers experimental electronic music.

From 2000 to 2008, numbers of ethnic minorities in southern China was investigated and visited intermittently. He has successively produced albums: Yi Nationality "crossing the river" and "missing melody"; Hani Nationality “under the sky”; Naxi Nationality "Dog chasing Horse and Deer" and "Picking somthing in LiShui"; Lisu & Wa nationality“Picking rhymes in Shuangjiang River” ; Bai Nationality "Ridge tune"; Lisu nationality “The ancient tune of Luomadi” ; Han nationality “Xiao&Xiao”, “Chuanjiang Haozi”, etc.
In 2003, he produced the world music album "copper block" with the traditional Yi musical instrument reed as the main element.
In 2014, he was commissioned by Modern Sky Music Company to produce a collection of reed from all ethnic groups in southern China, "secret tune".
In 2017, the new album of ancient poetry "whose song" was produced and released by Men Records.
In 2017, he participated in the Instrumental Album of Li Daiguo / Huan Qing the "Finger Flower· Wind Shadow" released by Starsing Records.
In 2018, he was invited by CCTV to participate in the recording and performance of the work "Raining Night to the North" in the second season of "the spread of classics".
In 2019, he cooperated with electronic musician Liaokai to release the album “cloud land” in Modern Sky Music Company.