  • country:Israel
  • label:not signed
  • artist posted by:RAD Muzik


Aveva Dese, an Ethiopian-Israeli singer and songwriter, is a rising star in the Israeli music scene. Aveva’s music fuses traditional Ethiopian sounds & groove with her soul-pop songs, producing an aesthetic with universal appeal. Aveva sings powerfully – in English and Amharic – about society, freedom and love. With a kicking beat and Aviva's beautiful voice and charm, audiences are lifted to their feet in dance.

Aveva formed her band in 2013, and has been constantly performing ever since. Aveva has played many of the popular festivals in Israel, including Indnegev, Zorba, Yearot Menashe and more. She has also performed at venues in France, Germany, England, Canada, Russia, and the United States, including a special show at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC.