"Three Seconds | Kolme Toista" - Jussi Reijonen

Jussi Reijonen
Jussi Reijonen: Three Seconds | Kolme Toista


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  • artist:Jussi Reijonen
  • release year:2022
  • style(s):Global Fusion
  • country:Finland
  • formats:CD (Compact Disc), LP / Vinyl
  • record posted by:Reijonen, Jussi
  • label:Challenge Records International
  • publisher:unmusic + Challenge Records International
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“Unlike anything in memory... creates a new, genre-less, form."

“A deftness and balance… that conveys both the epic and the personal.”

“A stunner. This album is a single, unified, diverse, overwhelming statement."

Bringing together an all-star 9-piece ensemble of musicians from Finland, Jordan/Iraq, Palestine, Turkey, Japan and the United States whose credits include performances/recordings with Herbie Hancock, Roy Haynes, Simon Shaheen, Danilo Pérez, Terence Blanchard, Snarky Puppy and Yo-Yo Ma, composer, guitarist and oud player Jussi Reijonen’s long-awaited new album Three Seconds | Kolme Toista [Challenge Records International, 2022] draws from the deep pool of influences and experiences of a childhood spent in the Middle East and East Africa as well as 13 years in the United States as an adult.

As Reijonen’s expansive new work unpacks, unravels and transcends the interlaced cultural threads within his experience, he builds a sonic world of broad and beautiful proportions, going above and beyond his critically acclaimed debut un | ان.

The dynamic interplay of the Finnish, Jordanian, Tanzanian, Omani, Lebanese and American cultures in which he grew up and lived, the ever-present feeling of being welcomed yet never truly belonging, the longing to understand his own identity within this complex and wondrous multicultural and multilingual context, and the disorienting effect of their transient existence on his familial relationships are expressed, explored and stunningly resolved in Reijonen’s transcendent suite.

Through its 42-minute, 5-movement span, Three Seconds | Kolme Toista reveals an artist seeking a new musical syntax that challenges cultural binaries while promoting transcultural dialogue and conversation beyond mere identity politics.