Victor Torpedo
Victor Torpedo
Victor Torpedo
Victor Torpedo
  • country:Portugal
  • style(s):Rock
  • label:Lux Records
  • type:Band, Quintet
  • instrumentation:rock band
  • artist posted by:Roots and Rhythms


When there is a natural aptitude for creation and that is combined with good taste and the lack of stages, a record is born and then another and another.
Victor Torpedo exudes rock'n'roll. He is one of those musicians who invents, reinvents and never gets tired. Neither to him nor to those who hear him! Coming from charismatic and explosive bands like The Parkinsons, Subway Riders, ex-Tédio Boys, ex-77, ex-Blood Safari, ex-Tiguana Bibles, he reveals, in addition to talent, his versatility and passion for music.
It was on his birthday, the 7th of April 2021, that he decided to share his fifth Punk / Pop and Soft Rage album with the world. With the roots of the 80's well indented in rock, synth, new wave, pop and punk, this record is another excellent offer to the ears and bodies of its followers, leaving them thirsty to live and want to enjoy all these live songs. It's a hot record, with vibrant sounds and sensually captivating rhythms that mix with Victor's scratchy voice and make the listener let their bodies gain control.