The Gift


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he Gift is an indie band with a sound that ranges from pop rock to electronica using elegant arrangements that include anything from strings to subtle analogue synthesizers. They are pioneering icons in the Portuguese DIY scene, hugely successful in Portugal where they have had several no. 1 hits.

Sonia Tavares' powerful and versatile voice is perhaps their most emblematic trait, but media and fans often say that it is on stage that the band reveal their best with energetic, surprising and elaborate shows that can be adequately presented on big festival stages, arenas or small intimate environments like theaters and small clubs.

The Gift have played all over Europe, toured the USA and Canada several times, visited Australia and Asia but it is in Spain and Brazil that the band has become more established outside their home country of Portugal where they have achieved gold/platinum status on record sales and topped the radio airplay charts for many years. Namely, the most recent album ALTAR was #1 in Portugal for three weeks on the month it was released.

With albums produced in the past by Howie B and Ken Nelson, they are now promoting what the band considers to be their best record, produced and co-composed by Brian Eno and mixed by Flood: ALTAR.