"The Seven Veils Dance" - Nesma

Cover The Seven Veils Dance


Magical music piece for creative oriental dance
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The veil is an indispensable element in belly dance. It is in and of itself a subtle and magical element, through which we can reveal the body or choose to show only an enigmatic expression.
The veil gives more presence and dramatic power to the dancer. With good reason, a performer in Egypt does not even fathom making her entrance without one. In the west, besides using this element to make entrances, many dancers give a great deal of importance to it, performing entire pieces with the veil.

Therefore, the pieces that we present here were created by professional dancers who, unable to find adequate music in the market, decided to produce their own pieces and contribute them to the musical panorama of Arab dance, so that they can be of use to other dancers around the world. Although all the pieces on this disc were envisioned expressly for dancing with a veil, it is not necessary. Additionally, we have here for the first time original music to dance the famous Dance of the Seven Veils.