Conducted by Ambroise Kua-Nzambi Toto, president of the Congolese Federation of Choral Music and a member of the International Council of the organisation À Cœur Joie, this up-and-coming amateur choir, set up in 1985, is starting to receive invitations from abroad. In 2006, it was invited to Japan, and it will appear at the Choralies Festival at Vaison-la-Romaine in 2007…
The singers form an ensemble which at first sight looks as classical as could be, yet their performance quickly takes an unexpected and humorous turn, far from the stereotypical image of a well-behaved choir… Right from the start, Chœur La Grâce has consisted of an excellent selection of choir leaders and experienced choral singers working in various Christian communities and churches in Kinshasa, which gives it an interdenominational character. After exploring several repertoires, particularly Renaissance, Baroque and Classical, Chœur La Grâce decided in the early 90s to put together a typically Congolese repertoire, especially in the negro folk style: the popular traditional songs of various different ethnic groups in the Congo. The choir currently sings in 18 languages, including the vernacular tongues of the Congo. Chœur La Grâce is a member of the International Federation for Choral Music, the Congolese Federation for Choral Music and the African Choirs Network.