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  • country:Italy
  • style(s):World, Vocal
  • label:Suonitineranti
  • type:Trio
  • gender:female
  • instrumentation:instrumental, vocal, a cappella
  • artist posted by:Suonitineranti

Line up

  • Cristina Vetrone (voice, diatonic accordion.)
  • Enza Prestia (Voice, frame drums.)
  • Lorella Monti (Voice, frame drum, dance)


- What's left is a sense of reaction to immobility, an overwhelming desire to dance evoked by four harrowing, yet happy voices.

- A fusion of musical potentialities, aimed to bring to different places the colourful harmonies and the symbolic meaning of cultural and emotional values. Each of these women brings with her a distinctive note. It's not only about different accents or native expressions; they also have the capability to instil personality into a musical piece, as if it were a serenade or even a social denunciation.

-It's a journey into their local dimension, performed through the typical passionate rhythms of Neapolitan tarantella, to the wild pizzica from Salento and the warmth of South-American sounds, enriched by the use of original instruments, such as castanets, tammorras, tambourines, percussions and diatonic accordion.

-...Engaged in a world tour with "Cantata" choreography by Mauro Bigonzetti, for the greatest Ballets of the World...


"Assurd" founded in 1993, they resume the songs and the music of popular traditions of the South of Italy. The band initially made by three women, Cristina Vetrone, Lorella Monti and Enza Prestia, in '99 becomes a quartet with the arrival of Enza Pagliara.
Their apprentice happens, for a verse, directly from the old singers, for example, they revamp the existing records on this subject, by merging the methodology of peasant culture, where for centuries live the feast as a moment in which is handed down orally the traditions, with those that are the research of the most modern ethnomusicology.
As seen the material collected, by the second post-war years, by Alan Lomax, Diego Carpitella, Ernesto De Martino and Roberto Leydi, which have left the tracks of interest ever on this music and these traditions.
And from these sources, the Assurd, have resumed, among other things, the "Tammurriate" (songs and dances of the local tradition), the "Pizziche" (from the Italian translation of "Pinching" ,linked to the phenomenon of the Taranto area Pugliese), the tarantellas, the songs of protest linked to the sphere of work and emigration, and the serenades. Throughout the years, in addition, the repertoire is enlarged and enriched with original compositions, providing a sense of continuity and constant movement towards the tradition.

Campania, Argentina.

Cristina Vetrone: Heading singular, atypical for a woman, violent and yearning at the same time, to the limit of baritone. It is considered as one of the most interesting Italian accordionist.

Lorella Monti: typically Neapolitan voice: full bodied, musical, sweet. It is the expression of the sound of women of the alleys of Naples. It is considered one of the best dancers of Tammurriate.

Enza Prestia: born and grew up in Argentina of Italian background. Strong temper with a warm and persuasive voice. Nostalgic and indefinable in its issue, typically South American.
Excellent percussionist.


- ASSURD Feat. Enza Pagliara
in '99 becomes a quartet with the arrival of Enza Pagliara...
with quartet version the ensemble are engaged in a world tour with "Cantata" choreography by Mauro Bigonzetti, for the greatest Ballets of the World...


Naples and Marseilles in one "heart"

Beyond the clichés that seem to unite Naples and Marseilles in the vision that makes them the whole of Europe , which brings together these two countries, both ancient urban familiarity , it is the submission of all aspects of the world their singularity.
The four female voices of “Assurd & Enza Pagliara” and the five male voices of “Lo Cor de la Plana”... meet with the quiet confidence of a clear complicity in attendance resulting from a common landscapes and backgrounds shared, even if seen from different points of view.

coming soon

Nuova Compagnia di Canto Popolare, Giovanna Marini, Ivan Della Mea, Nando Citarella, Gruppo Operaio 'E Zezi di Pomigliano D'Arco, Daniele Sepe, Marco Paolini, Peppe Barra, Marcello Colasurdo, 'O Lione, Paolo Angeli, Art Ensamble of Chicago, Aterballetto di reggio Emila, Gulbenkian Ballet, Les Grands ballets canadiens de Montreal, CNB Lisboa, Ballet Dortmund, Ballet de Santiago Cile, Ballet Basel, Staatstheater Nürnberg Ballett, Balé da Cidade de São Paulo, ecotopia dance productions, Gauthier Dance [...]

Ferrara buskers, Neuchatel buskers- Saint Charter; Berlino, Les Nuits de Nacre - (Limoges), Festival Internazionale di Palau "Isole che parlano" (Sardegna), XI Rencontres de Chants Polyphoniques de Calvi (Corsica),VIII Festival De Chants et De Musiques de Noel - (St.Dalmas, Francia), Voucalia-Festival of Mediterraneo Polyphonies - (Nizza); Festival ambulant "Chants des mondes" - (Lione, Francia); Parigi "Festa della musica" - (Francia);Istanbul "Festa della musica" - (Turchia); Manresa-(spagna); Babel Med music, Nuits de Champagne, Estivoce, Carpino Folk Festival, Stimmen Lorrach, Passerelle d'Avril, Festival Magna Grecia, Holland Dance Festival, [...]

Il Cairo, Atene, Salonicco, Ankara, Mosca, S.Pietroburgo, Innsbruck, Belgrado, Hong Kong, Singapore, Londra, Cordoba, Mendoza, Mar del Plata, Montevideo, S. paulo, Rio de janeiro, Montreal, Munich, Luxemburgo [...]


2002: Intrasatta (prod. by Assurd)
2004: Fate (prod. by FND/Assurd)
2009: Stamanera(Terre in Moto records production)
2010/11: Musiche per Cantata (prod. by Suonitineranti)

