Drums United | Birth of the Beat
Drums United | Birth of the Beat


Drums United
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Birth of the Beat
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Birth of the Beat

Get ready for a truly immersive and captivating experience with Drums United's new percussion show, 'Birth of the Beat'. This one-of-a-kind performance takes you on a journey through the rich history of drums, featuring song, dance, and virtuosity that have always been closely linked to rhythm. Led by internationally renowned drummer Lucas van Merwijk, this show is not to be missed. With impressive moving images projected onto the stage, you'll feel like you're traveling through time as you witness the evolution of drumming. Don't miss your chance to see the history of drums brought to life like never before.

Tell me more...

In 'Birth of the Beat', Lucas van Merwijk brings together an eclectic group of musicians from various cultural backgrounds to showcase the diversity and evolution of drumming throughout history. From African djembes and Venezuelan Culo e Pua drums to Indian tabla's and Oriental frame drums, the show pays tribute to the rich and varied traditions of drumming across the globe.

But 'Birth of the Beat' is more than just a drumming exhibition. It is a celebration of rhythm and music in all its forms, with live singers and dancers adding to the vibrant energy of the performance. The show also incorporates stunning visual projections, enhancing the immersive and transportive experience of the audience.

As the title suggests, 'Birth of the Beat' takes the audience on a journey through the history of drumming, tracing its roots back to ancient civilizations and showcasing its evolution through the ages. It is a unique and unforgettable experience that pays tribute to the enduring power and importance of rhythm in human culture.

Line up

Moussé Pathé | Senegal
Niti Ranjan Biswas | Bangladesh
Marco Toro | Venezuela
Alper Kekeç | Turkey
Lucas van Merwijk | The Netherlands

article posted by:Roosje Den Hertog, Tam Tam Productions
