Allan yn y Fan

Allan yn y Fan
  • country:United Kingdom
  • region:Wales
  • style(s):Celtic, Wales
  • label:Steam Pie
  • type:Band
  • instrumentation:instrumental, vocal
  • artist posted by:Trac Cymru


"...If Welsh music is perennially considered the poor relation in the Celtic tradition, Allan Yn Y Fan are moving mountains to change all that. Since their first album in 2003, the industrious and innovative Gwent five piece have never been content merely to present their Welshness as badge of honour in the hope that the penny will finally drop that Celtic doesn't just mean Irish, Scottish or Breton - here's band constantly intent on displaying the music in all its diverse glory, challenging perceptions and driving it into new areas...There's no peace for the inventive and the current Allan Yn Y Fan line-up...has wasted no time in forging on with perhaps their most compelling album to date, Pwnco......."
Properganda Magazine, April 2012, Colin Irwin