Daby Touré

Daby Touré


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Line up

  • Daby Touré (singer and guitarist)


Daby Toure spent his early life in Senegal and Mauritania. In 1989, now in his late teens he accompanied his father to Paris, France, where Hamidou was joining his brothers' band Toure Kunda. This prompted Daby to also choose a career in music and with a cousin, Omar Toure, he formed Toure Toure. Basing his music in the traditional sounds of his homeland, Toure, who writes many of the songs he sings, developed interesting variations that accommodated his musical surroundings in Paris. He toured with Peter Gabriel's Still Growing Up package, including visiting England and 2004's WOMAD in Reading.

Daby Toure sings in French and English as well as in Wolof, Soninke and Pulaar. Using multi-tracking, on his recordings he plays guitar and bass as well as several percussion instruments, while his keyboard player is Cyrille Dufay. A proud bearer of his musical heritage, Toure has helped spread awareness to European audiences.

Stereo Spirit is his first album solo is a testament to the power of music to transcend linguistic barrriers. Daby's sweetly haunting vocals and striking melodies have an ability to touch the listener, whether or not they share a common language. This isn't an album that takes time to appreciate; its effects are immediate and long lasting. From the first time you hear it, prepare to hum along, tap your toes, and be mesmerized by Daby Toure 's infectious brand of global soul-tinged pop.

Lang(u)age is his second album solo has just released in Jun 2012 and which is an intimate musical rendition of personal memories and multiple identities. (www.myspace. com/dabytoure)