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  • country:Spain
  • region:Basque Region
  • style(s):Basque
  • label:Elkar
  • type:Band
  • gender:male
  • instrumentation:instrumental
  • artist posted by:Troisquatre!


There is music which is like a narrative, with
adventures revealing landscapes, seas, exotic
headlands, places and sensations and in which
tenderness, solidarity and vital intensity
intermingle. These are vibrant experiences which
can only be deciphered through the language of
Like the first charismatic pioneers, the first
discoverers and adventurers, there are musicians
who, guided by personal intuition, an immense
curiosity and a desire to move forward without
looking back, open up new paths towards
cohabitation, new languages and territories of
mutual knowledge for cultures.
Kepa Junkera is certainly one of them.
The musical appeal of his work is based above all
else on his huge ability to create open,
contemporary ethnic ambiences, musical fables
which dazzle and attract: a call for hope, a new
symphony for an emerging world.
A prolific artist, Kepa Junkera has worked with
musicians of all horizons.: Carlos Nunez, Caetano
Veloso, Pat Metheny, Tomas San Miguel, Andreas
Wollemweider, La Bottine Souriante, Riccardo Tesi,
Mercedes Peon, Justin Vali, Andy Narrel, Ibon