Adam Mickiewicz Institute

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business contact
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The Adam Mickiewicz Institute is a national cultural institute, whose mission is to build and communicate the cultural dimension of the Poland brand through active participation in international cultural exchange.

The goal of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute is to promote Poland and Polish culture abroad. Through the presentation of high-quality initiatives and events in the fields of art, music and design, the institute aspires to introduce an international audience to contemporary Polish culture. All of the institute’s projects carry our flagship brand,

For more information about Polish culture worldwide:


participating in

  • WOMEX 2024
  • WOMEX 2023
  • WOMEX 2022
  • WOMEX 2021
  • WOMEX, Digital Edition, feat. Budapest Ritmo
  • WOMEX 2019
  • WOMEX 2018
  • WOMEX 2017
  • WOMEX 2016
  • WOMEX 2015
  • WOMEX 2014
stand number WOMEX 24: P21-P22, Q21-Q22


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