Ruby Colley


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These are just preview samples. You need a valid account and be logged in to watch the full clips.
  • country:United Kingdom
  • region:England
  • style(s):Crossover
  • label:not signed
  • type:Solo, Duo, Trio, Quartet
  • gender:female
  • instrumentation:electronic, string
  • artist posted by:Concerted Artists

Line up

  • Ruby Colley (violin, laptop)

Ruby is a Violinist, Composer, Sound Artist & collaborator. She creates instrumental soundscapes that are far beyond the realm of traditional playing, weaving in enviromental sound & electronics. She draws upon many different styles such as contemporary classical, folk & improvisation. Ruby’s music is eclectic but strangely unique and her performances charged with emotional power and nuance.

Her latest album ‘Overheard’, was released in April 2022, and draws upon field recordings and weaves them with instrumentation and electronics. The album seeks to unravel the connections between human presence & nature in response to the climate crisis. Her EP ‘Underheard’ was released in February 2023, which continues to explore the human experience of the climate catastrophe, along with memory, loss and our place within nature itself. Both were produced & mixed by Ruby herself.

Live, Ruby presents her music solo, duo, or with a quartet.

Her work has always been inspired by nature and the natural rhythms/patterns found within it. Ruby’s debut album Murmurations, released in February 2010, presents a selection of pieces inspired by nature and natural forms. Her interests have developed into building a relationship between the audible world audible and her creative practice. This feeds into her performance, composition & sound art.

Ruby’s film & directorial debut, ‘The Sea Wrote It’ was shown at the Manchester Lift Off Film Festival as well as the Altpitch festival & won their artist commission award.

Her audio-visual work, Edgeland, was shown at the Alt PItch festival from June-December 2021.